Stewart spends some time with Dr. Ian Arra, the Grey Bruce Medical Officer of Health and covers a lot of ground; state of public health, public health infrastructure, mergers, and budgets, ‘flu shots, falls, cannabis, and vaping.
Allan Madden, the CEO of the South East Grey Community Health Centre, discusses the future for CHCs, our Centre’s unique rural nature, current clinics and programs, territory and funding, Ontario health teams, combating social isolation, dentistry, mental health structure and importance, community based programs, and home care and palliative care.
Ron Barnett from South Grey News comes by to deliver the first of a regular segment on news and events, and commercial and cultural programs in the area.
Stewart gives pause at the passing of Kate FitzPatrick and the Highland Band’s tribute in Markdale. He reviews the presentation of Tony Luciani art at the South Grey Museum and looks forward to a full interview in the New Year.