Intro & Recap [00:45]. Post election commentary on costs; a tribute to Larry Miller.
Alex Ruff Interview [2:27]. We catch up to Alex and Stewart talks with him during his car trip up to Ottawa.
Recap of Tourism & the Chamber AGM [10:53]. Paul and Stewart discuss Grey Tourism efforts and present a montage from the keynote speaker at the Chamber AGM, Chris Hughes.

Halloween & Ghosts [17:14]. The guys get spooky.
Barbara Pearn & Ghost Stories [18:29]. Stewart gets into the spirit of the day with Barbara Pearn of the South Grey News and ColorPix. Barb has ghost stories, not just one .. but four! And Stewart has his own moment in the shadows, [28:57]. Leaving the spirits behind, they discuss the work Barb and Ron do every year for Explore Grey Highlands, and the combined Art Map & Food Map, and the Beaver Valley Handmade Artisan Market.
- Barb’s Story One [21:05]
- Barb’s Story Two [24:31]
- Barb’s Story Three [25:32]
- Barb’s Story Four [26:59]

Interview with Guillermo Anderson [35:53]. Stewart has a wide-ranging talk with Guillermo Anderson of Maxwell.
Upcoming Events [49:23]. Paul plugs The Advance and
They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
Laurence Binyon, For The Fallen, September 1914
They sit no more at familiar tables at home;
Remembrance Day [49:52]. Our hosts take note of the upcoming annual events to reflect on the price paid in service to the nation.
Mo-vember and Other Notes [52:42]. Paul and Stewart wrap up with notes on the larger happenings of November.
Outro [54:13].